MUN (Model United Nations) EPFL is an association present on campus since 2004. Its original goal is to simulate the different organs of the United Nations: students, role-playing as delegates of various countries, defend the positions of their countries on international issues, thereby learning to speak with confidence and skill, gaining the ability to debate and negotiate more effectively! In addition to that, MUN EPFL has the ambition (starting this year) to widely expand its activities on campus: the goal being to establish itself as a powerhouse on campus in everything related to helping students develop their communication skills, public speaking and awareness of international issues and overall gaining a better understanding of the world of politics.
We are opening the recruitment for next year’s board! If you are interested in joining a dynamic, ambitious and growing association on campus, if you want to have a premium access to several events on campus, if you want a unique opportunity to meet talented people and greatly expand your network, then MUN EPFL might be for you.
We are looking for motivated people, with a sense of responsibility and initiative. Several positions are available: communications manager, event managers, graphic designer, etc...
Go to the following link for more info on the positions:
You can also write to us at for more information or for applying to one of the positions. (Don't proscratinate to apply, positions will be awarded following short interviews).
PS: You don't need to have attended any weekly MUN sessions to apply for the board!