Swiss performance in the JADE Spring Conference 2018
This weekend was held the JADE Spring Conference 2018 in Bruxelles, where 400 junior entrepreneurs from all Europe gathered. And we are proud to say that the most represented confederation was JADE Switzerland with 84 participants! This amount broke the swiss confederation record of participation!
Also, this year, 3 members of the board of JADE Switzerland worked really hard in order to officially launch the Platform 'JuniorConnect' during the Closing Ceremony. JuniorConnect is now the place where all junior entrepreneurs are connected! This digital project opens all movement to a new dimension. First used by Junior Entreprise EPFL in Lausanne, then in all Switzerland, this amazing tool will generate impact all around the world.
Finally, for the first time, two swiss Junior Entreprises decided to apply for an Excellence Award: the Junior Entreprise Genève applied for the Most Socially Responsible Junior Entreprise of Europe of the Year 2018, and Junior Entreprise EPFL for the Best European Junior Entreprise of the Year 2018. A few weeks before the event, we were delighted to know that both of them were finalists of those awards. Both of them had to pitch and defend themselves in front a large jury of professionals. Hopefully, all the swiss delegation was here to support them by waving the swiss flag for the two teams! Finally, during the last evening of the Spring JADE Conference, the Jury gave the names of the winners.
The Junior Entreprise Genève was the first of our JE to make the swiss delegation proud by being awarded the Most Socially Responsible Junior Entreprise of the year 2018!
And finally, the Junior Entreprise EPFL closed the night by being awarded the Best European Junior Entreprise of the year 2018!
The JADE Switzerland team congratulates you both; you truly deserved those awards, and we are proud of your work and your involvement into the network.
We also thank the JADE Network board and all partners for their amazing job, they strengthen the bridge between academia and the industry.
The JADE Spring Conference is now over, but the Swiss National Meeting is coming, as well as the Swiss Excellence Awards! It is on the 14th of April at EPFL.
We really hope to see you all there, and that you are ready to generate impact again!